Can OCD Switch Themes?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Switching Themes

A common fear that may come up during OCD treatment is about OCD switching themes. Themes or sub-types of OCD can include Harm OCD, Pedophilic OCD, Sexual orientation OCD or Contamination OCD. Themes or sub-types are more specific to a persons obsessions or fears. There are hundreds of sub types of OCD and a person may not fall solely into one category. Some people may have symptoms of a few different themes of OCD. Other cases, a person may have one theme one month and a few months later a different theme emerges. A different worry or fear that then kick starts the OCD cycle. What can be challenging is when themes start to change. It can feel overwhelming to juggle different themes. Fortunately, our treatment does not change and we are able to treat all themes of sub-types with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

We tend to see that OCD is pretty relentless in its pursuit to get you to engage in a compulsion. OCD feeds on your compulsions, so the more compulsions we do, the stronger the OCD gets. Since OCD is with us all day, every day, it is always on the prowl to see what will stick to get you back into doing compulsions. For some people, the same theme or themes are present consistently. For others, different themes may come and go over time. OCD is looking to throw things consistently at the wall and see what sticks. If it finds something that sticks, it will try to use that against you so you start back up with compulsions. OCD wants to attack things that we value and hold true to ourselves. When we change, OCD changes with us. A common fear comes up when a person might attend an OCD support group and hear about different themes. A fear might develop from that which could be “what if I get one of those other worse themes?” That fear might stop someone from seeking help from the support group.

At the rroot of OCD, we are seeing doubts and uncertainty. OCD is likely to use that uncertainty to get us to question and react to it. OCD wants us to search for certainty. That search for certainty then tends to be a compulsive behavior. We can get stuck in this cycle of searching for 100% certainty that does not exist. Engaging in compulsions all along the way that is feeding OCD, making it stronger.

When OCD switches themes, it can feel like we are back at square one. With a good sense of how OCD works, we can learn to understand that no matter what the obsession or compulsion is, our treatment is not changing. We might change the content of the exposures we work on. But at the core, we are using the same response prevention measures to challenge whatever theme emerges. We will look at taking the fear away from OCD changing themes. To gain a better sense of confidence to attack and starve OCD no matter what it throws at you. ERP will help ypu learn how to better manage the symptoms of OCD. Eventually learning non engagement with the obsessions and to live a life that is better in line with your values.

Treatment for OCD:

Treatment for all forms of OCD is the gold standard of treatment, exposure and response prevention (ERP). Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) looks at the idea that triggering situations and thoughts are at the core of OCD. Ongoing exposure to these triggers without engagement in rituals can reduce the severity felt. As a licensed mental health therapist trained in ERP, I will assist you through the exposures and how to implement effective response prevention measures. If you feel that OCD has had a negative impact on your life, you might consider counseling and ERP to learn how to handle it more effectively. Please feel free to reach out for a free consultation, where we can discuss the impacts of OCD and benefits of counseling/ERP.


Certainty v.s Uncertainty Within OCD.


OCD Fear of Losing Control Over One's Behavior.