OCD Fears of Being a Bad Person.
What if I am a bad person? What if I am morally wrong? How could anyone forgive me?
Within certain sub types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) fears can be present that I might be a bad person. This fear can be seen in sub-types including harm OCD and scrupulosity. Fears of being a bad person can present itself in many different sub types. A person may worry that they might do something wrong or have doubts about knowing right from wrong. This may lead to beliefs that they are a bad person, that they are guilty or morally wrong. Shame and guilt may present itself often with these thoughts.
Common obsessions about being a bad person:
Thoughts that only “bad” people think the things I do.
Thoughts that oppose their religion, identity, morals, values.
Thoughts about how anyone would be able to forgive them for these thoughts.
Thoughts about harm related to other people.
What if thoughts about saying something inappropriate or racist.
What if thoughts about not being able to tell right from wrong.
People with OCD focused on fears of being a bad person may be triggered by situations involving morality, scrupulosity, memories of past events, and physical sensations that feel inappropriate.
These fears can be even more general to include anything else that causes a person to believe that they are bad or evil. When that person is presented with a situation or trigger, the intrusive thought can be present on whether they made the right choice or not. Fears about what if they are not able to know what is the good choice compared to the bad, evil choice. The person might doubt their ability to know right from wrong.
Common compulsions due to fears of being a bad person:
Seeking reassurance.
Comparing to others.
Ritualistic behaviors- excessive praying.
Excessive confessing.
Joe is 38 years old, married with a newborn son. Joe has been diagnosed with OCD in his late teens, where themes were present of scrupulosity. Joe had frequent rumination and doubt about if he was a good person morally. Joe often would pray excessively, having to pray the just right way and pray a certain amount of times. Joe would confess to his wife about any intrusive thought he had, for fear that if he held it from her; that he would be a bad person for doing so. Joe worries often about his ability to know right from wrong. He is fearful about making the “wrong” choice with anything. The fears convince him that he is bad person, that he is going to hell. That “good” people do not have these thoughts, so he must be bad because the thoughts are there. His doubt cause him great distress and much time is spent during his day engaging in compulsions. Joe is having many symptoms of fears of being a bad person.
Treatment for Fears of Being a Bad Person OCD:
Treatment for this type of OCD, like all forms of OCD is the gold standard of treatment, exposure and response prevention (ERP). Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) looks at the idea that triggering situations and thoughts are at the core of OCD. Ongoing exposure to these triggers without engagement in rituals can reduce the severity felt. As a licensed mental health therapist trained in ERP, I will assist you through the exposures and how to implement effective response prevention measures. If you feel that OCD has had a negative impact on your life, you might consider counseling and ERP to learn how to handle it more effectively. Please feel free to reach out for a free consultation, where we can discuss the impacts of OCD and benefits of counseling/ERP.